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The best foods to eat before bed

Sitting in front of the TV to relax after a hard day of work and food hunger pains begin to creep up on you like a gremlin in your belly! Want to eat something healthy, but they are the best foods to eat?

We want to avoid foods rich in carbohydrates, fitness bed as this will lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar and insulin.

Instead, we should focus on slow-digesting protein, such as chicken, turkey, eggs, cheese, protein shakes, low-carbohydrate and healthy fats that will keep insulin levels low before bed.

1. Protein white meat

Sources of animal protein white meat like chicken and turkey - and eggs are an excellent choice for pre-bed meal. These slow digesting proteins provide a sustained release of amino acids, help you feel full, fitness bed increase metabolism and stimulate your body to secrete glycogen.

Two. Organic cottage cheese

milk protein is about 80% casein and 20% whey. fitness bed Casein is a slow digesting protein that provides optimal recovery as a protein before bed, fitness bed and provides up to 7 hours of sustainable food fitness sheets.

Make sure you opt for a good simple organic cottage cheese, fitness sleep as some have added sugar flavored varieties that cause an increase in blood glucose and insulin response to mitigate the burning of fat fitness bed.

Three. Green vegetables

Vegetables, though classified as carbohydrates are low alchemic and do not promote a lot of response to insulin, fitness sheets so before bedtime is a good time to increase the intake of vegetables. fitness sleep Vehicles Eating late at night will not only help to control anxiety, fitness bed which are rich in essential micronutrients and can help balance the acidity of your body fitness bed.

April. Slow digestion, protein shake low carb

A protein shake containing casein high quality is ideal before bedtime, fitness bed you can also mix some healthy fats to him as almond butter or coconut oil. fitness sheets Be sure to avoid whey protein supplements only consume fitness sheets, because they lead to a dramatic increase in insulin that rivals that of white bread. fitness bed Furthermore, fitness sheets whey protein provides amino acids for only 1 1/2 hours while slowly digested casein provides up to 7 hours of sustainable food.

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